The Ingeniería de Organización y Logística Research Group at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid researches in different areas related to Operations Research and Logistics.
The Ingeniería de Organización y Logistics Research Group (IOL) was founded in 2005. IOL Research Group became a recognized research group of the UPM in 2005. However, the group has a long history of research, development, innovation and transfer of research results in the Industrial Engineering area. In fact, members of this research group were founders of the CEL (Spanish Logistics Center), in the 1970s.
Our methods and approaches have been forerunners of the current concept of logistics in organizations.
These are our research lines:
Math-based Decision Making in Logistics and Operations
La similitud no es la clave, según esta investigación en la que participan la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y la Universidad Loyola. Read more »
UPM in part of The European Technology Platform ALICE.
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January 15, 2020
On January 15th of 2020 Tamara Borreguero-Sanchidrián has obtained Summa Cum Laude in reading her PhD. dissertation “Scheduling with limited resources along the aeronautical supply chain: From parts manufacturing plants to final assembly lines”.